EA-PSM Electric
User manual

10.11. Configuring the circuit breaker protection

           The circuit breaker protection can be selected from the list and added to the breaker unit.
           To select a circuit breaker the user has to click on “Select Breaker” button. Then a circuit breaker model selection windo will pop up.
           In this window the user should expand one of the manufacturers (ABB, Siemens, Schneider…), then expand one of breaker models and select appropriate tripping unit and press “OK”. The circuit breaker will be added and its curve will be shown in the right side of the configuration window.
           In the configuration window the user can modify circuit breaker title, define nominal circuit breaker current, define overload protection values (IR value and tR time value), short circuit protection values (Isd value and tsd time value), instantaneous short circuit protection value (Ii value) and ground fault protection value (Ig current value tg time value). Protection number and number of properties depend on manufacturer and circuit breaker tripping unit. Every property value arrays are taken from official public manufacturer documentation.
           On the right, in the configuration window, the user can instantly preview curve changes. To make configuration more easily there are several markers in the chart: