EA-PSM Electric
User manual

10.12. Configuring the user defined circuit breaker protection

           In the circuit breaker model selection user can select “User Defined” optio. This option is added if the user did not find required circuit breaker in EA-PSM library. The user can easily define any circuit breaker characteristic. User defined circuit breaker configuration window is shown in the following figure:
           In the configuration window, the user has to define nominal circuit breaker IN and three points (current on the x axis and time on the y axis) shown in the right side of Figure 9.24 . Each current point is defined as a coefficient, which is multiplied by the nominal current, and each time point is defined in seconds.
List of values to be defined:
Meaning of other coefficients in the protection tab and further explanation:
The overcurrent protection current settings value  could be calculated as:
There  is the long term feeder maximum current. The coefficient  is related to the current measurement error of the current transformer and protection relay. For example, the current transformer current measurement error is 10%, protection relay measurement error equals to 5%, thus, the coefficient .