EA-PSM Electric
User manual

10.10. Configuring the fuse protection

           When the fuse protection is selected from the list and added to Breaker unit, the user can select different fuses from EA-PSM fuse library.
           To select the fuse model, click on the  button and a window will pop up in which it is possible to choose the fuse model. By double clicking select the manufacturer → fuse name → current. Press „Ok“ button. The time-current curve will be displayed on the right as in Figure 9.19 . Use mouse wheel to zoom in and out, left click to drag the graphic for more precise investigation. The user can modify fuse title to better distinguish it from other fuses. After „Apply“ button is pressed selected fuse is saved and the „Chart“ section gets updated with the same graphic.
           The user may also customize the graphics that are shown in the scheme. To change the graphics of a fuse, double click on the element to open the breaker properties window. Then select equipment tab in the top row and fuse connection tab in the bottom row. List of options is depicted in the following picture: