EA-PSM Electric
User manual

9.9. Transient recovery voltage

           The transient recovery voltage (TRV) is the voltage that appears across the terminals of a pole of a circuit breaker after interruption. During the interruption process the arc rapidly loses conductivity as the instantaneous current approaches zero. Within a few microseconds after current reaches zero, the power system response to current interruption generates the TRV. TRV is the difference in the power system response voltages on the source side and on the load side of the circuit breaker.
           Note: The breaker operation is successful if the circuit breaker is able to withstand the transient recovery voltage.
           To get TRV ratings for the circuit breaker, user should first set nominal parameters for the selected circuit breaker. To do this, double click on the circuit breaker and in tab “General” specify IN, UN, IKmax, Ip, Idc and IB. It is possible to use software recommended values by clicking button. Parameters will be saved after pushing “Apply” or “Ok”. After it is done, TRV parameters for the circuit breaker can be acceded by clicking “Summaries > Protection summary > Breakers”. Parameters will be shown in the breakers summary table (user might need to add them by selecting “+” sign and choosing from the list). The parameters to consider: