The motor circuit breaker is used for protections once the motors are started. The user has the ability to model them as well. If there isn‘t a protection needed in the pre-defined library of motor circuit breaker protections.
To create a new breaker model, use the drop down menu „Modelling“ and choose the option „Motor circuit breakers“. A window should pop up, giving the user the ability to modify and create new protection devices.
The management of models is done in the top part of the window:
To create a new model, click button “New”. The user may also choose a model from the library with the drop-down menu on the left side of the toolbar and once configured, click the button “Save as” to save as a new custom model.
The parameters needed for the motor circuit breaker model are shown in the picture below:
Polynomial power is used in the curve interpolation and usually is 5-6.
Min and max are the limits for setting that can be set in the protection panel.
Once these parameters are defined, the user should add points of the curve that define at which current how long will it take for the protection to trip. The user may also interpolate the curve to get a more accurate representation of the protection curve.
Note: current values should be defined by the “Step” value that was defined before.