EA-PSM Electric
User manual

21.11. DC battery sizing

           This function was created to analyze the DC power system needs. The battery sizing function allows the user to easily choose what kind of battery model is needed for the defined system.
           To use the battery sizing function, the user should firstly define a system that contains “DC battery” elements. The user can then open the battery sizing window by choosing the menu item “Optimize” and choose the option “DC Battery sizing”.
           A window will open in which initial sizing parameters should be defined. Firstly, the DC battery and, if not defined already, the battery cell model should be chosen. Afterwards, the user should define parameters such as operating temperature, discharge time and voltage of the battery set should be chosen (0.5 of the battery voltage with loads connected).
           Once the parameters are set, the user may click the button “Size battery”. After the calculations, the results will be displayed on the right size of the window. The program will have chosen the number of cells and cell capacity.
           To apply these settings to the selected DC battery, simply click the “Apply results to the battery” button.
           Note: battery sizing does not work if 2 batteries are connected directly