EA-PSM Electric
User manual

25.3. Adding elements to project manager

           User may add texts and single line diagrams to the project report:
           Texts can be added by clicking right mouse button on the page and choosing the menu item „Text“. Choosing this option will instantly add a text box to the page. Texts can be formatted by double clicking on a text box element and choosing different options at the top of the project management page.
           The user may also add scheme elements, element groups or the whole scheme to the project management page. It is done by selecting the elements in the main scheme and dragging the selection onto the page while holding modifier CTRL. An identifying icon will appear once scheme elements are dragged. If the mouse is released once it’s over the project management page, selection elements will appear on the page. This can also be done by click right mouse button on the project manager page with the elements selected in the main scene and choosing “Scheme view” menu option in the drop-down menu.
           Scheme view window may be customized in the top part of the project management page. The customization panel allows the user to choose what type of results will be displayed on the scheme view element.
           Using text and scheme customization options will make the report tidier and easier to understand.