EA-PSM Electric
User manual

27.5. Project data export

           Multiple reports at one can be exported with this function. It is located in File → Export → Reports → Export project and Export options. Exported data is based on existing calculation results; it does not automatically invoke calculations. The Export project option exports current project using preconfigured options. The Export options option opens the window, where what is exported can be selected.
           Use project folder – if this option is selected the exported files will be placed next to the scheme file, otherwise, the folder selected in 1 will be used.
           Create new folder – if this option is selected a new folder, which’s name will be based on the name of the scheme and the current time, will be created to store the exported files. Otherwise, files will be stored in the folder specified by Use project folder.
           The export option area - this is where what is exported and options for individual exports can be selected. Options for individual options are the same as in their original locations, for example, the Summary export options allow to select the same tables, columns, and text type.
           The settings are saved locally and not in the scheme file.