EA-PSM Electric
User manual

4.1. Principle of the one-line diagram drawing

           To draw an one-line network diagram in EA – PSM user should choose one of the icons from the Grid Elements pane (3 in Main interface), each icon represents particular system element (see 4.2. Meanings of icons on the grid elements pane). When an icon is chosen, it is shown in a darker background, this means that now it is possible to add the element on a graphic window (4 in Main interface) by clicking the left mouse button at any point of it. To deselect an icon just push Esc button on the keyboard. Elements like transformers and lines that need to be placed between two busbars are added in 3 simple steps:
           Another way to do this is to simply push on the white space between two busbars and element will be added automatically.
           Hint: If by any accident element was deleted or added not in the right place, the user can always use “Undo” (Ctrl + Z) and “Redo” (Ctrl + Y) functions to correct a mistake.
           The user can change the location at which grid element is connected by selecting on that element, pushing on the green dot at the location, where the element is connected to a busbar and simply dragging it to another bus.
           Hint: In order to select several elements the user can click the right mouse button and drag around those elements or can hold Ctrl button pushed and select several elements by clicking on them one by one.
           Parameters of the system element can be changed in its properties dialog which pops out after double-clicking on that element or after pushing the right mouse key on it and selecting “Properties”.
           Hint: Ctrl + C will copy selected elements. CTRL + V will add copied elements to the scheme at the position of the mouse.