EA-PSM Electric
User manual

28.5. Moving texts in the scheme

           The positioning of all texts in the scheme can be customized.
Global text offsetting
Global text offsetting is moving the specific text of all elements in the scheme and will be visible in other schemes. It is saved locally like settings. To move texts in such a way press and hold Ctrl+Shift+Alt and drag texts with the mouse. In this mode hovered texts will be highlighted orange when hovered. Global offsets can be reset in the Setting window in Display → Texts → Reset global text positions.
Local text offsetting
Local text offsetting is moving the specific text of the specific element and affects only that one element. These offsets are saved in the scheme file and will be visible in other computers. To move texts in such a way press and hold Ctrl+Shift and drag texts with the mouse. In this mode, text hovered text will be highlighted red. Line split marker text does not support local offsetting. Local offsets can be reset by clicking View → Reset local text positions.
Global font changing
           This feature makes it possible to change all the texts' fonts for a specific element type. To change the fonts of texts, hold Ctrl + Shift + Alt , hover on an element - it will be highlighted orange. Double-click on the element and choose the font.
Local font changing
           This feature makes it possible to change all the texts' fonts for a specific element type. To change the font of a particular text, hold Ctrl + Shift , hover on an element - it will be highlighted red. Double-click on the element and choose the font.
Local text position and font changing - the text is highlighted in red
Global text position and font changing - the text is highlighted in orange