In the main menu bar, there is a sub-menu “Help”. By pressing it the user can get important information about the program, send his feedback and observe system log information.
Send feedback - Our goal is to create a power system modelling software with a superior product experience to its end – user, therefore, we appreciate any feedback from our customers, as it helps us to accomplish our goals. Thus, if any idea or impression occurs while working with EA – PSM please don’t hesitate to send it by simply pressing “Help” → “Send feedback”. Any language is acceptable.
System log - Problems of the calculations are usually depicted in the “System Log” window that can be accessed by pressing “Help” → “System Log”. Therefore, if any problem occurs, please copy the text from this window by pressing “Save” button or send it directly to us by pressing “Report” button. We will solve the problem as fast as possible and contact you to inform about the possible solutions.
Notification log - Here the user can see all the processes output during the use of the EA-PSM. If an error occurs, the reason could be also shown here.
User manual - This function will open this manual.