EA-PSM Electric
User manual

28.1. Find

           This feature allows users to quickly manipulate big schemes and see the scheme tree. To open the find window, click keyboard combination (Ctrl + F). The list of the elements will automatically update based on the user input.
           At the top part of the window, user may find the element by typing its title in the search bar. The text typed will influence the list that is displayed bellow.
           If the title of the element is unknown, there is a filtering system based on types of elements. Click on filter to see the list of types of elements. To find the desired element, click on any of the buttons and the filtering system will show the elements of that particular type. If multiple elements are selected, all of those types will be shown. Right clicking an element selects all elements except that one. The user may reset the choices by clicking button “Reset”.
           Once the element that was needed is found, click on the list item and the program will automatically zoom your screen to the element and highlight it with green color.