EA-PSM Electric
User manual

17.3. Defining PV module data

           The PV module data can be found under the corresponding tab. Even though there is a lot of data in this window, it can be filled by simply selecting the PV module from the given list. The user should also indicate the number of module in series and the amount of strings connected to the inverters.
           Furthermore, the PV module positioning should be defined. The tilt (angle between PV module and horizon) and Azimuth (angle between south and module facing vector).
17.3. Defining PV module data

PV Module selection field

1. PV Module selection field
First a PV module model is chosen.

Modules in series field

2. Modules in series field
The number of modules in series is defined.

Strings in parallel field

3. Strings in parallel field
The number of strings connected to the inverters is defined.

Module tilt field

4. Module tilt field
The angle between the PV module and horizon.

Module azimuth field

5. Module azimuth field
The angle between the vector facing west and the vector perpendicular to the module facing direction. If the module is facing west, the angle would be -90 degrees and if the module is facing west, the angle would be 90 degrees.