EA-PSM Electric
User manual

17.1. Defining geographical and mathematical algorithm data

This information should is displayed in the "Main data" tab. In this section the user should define the whereabouts of the calculated solar system, as well as meteo data and calculation algorithm parameters.
17.1. Defining geographical and mathematical algorithm data

General data

1. General data
The user may write the general data regarding the site of the system.

Geographical situation

2. Geographical situation
In this section the user should define more precise data about the location of the solar system.

Meteorological data

3. Meteorological data
In this section the user should define the meteorological data, it can be done by analyzing the sample data file, exporting the header file and replacing the values in the header.csv file.

Calculation methods

4. Calculation methods
The user should specify the data for calculations: the algorithm, efficieny and other coefficients as they influence the final result.