EA-PSM Electric
User manual


           Cable ampacity module allows estimating permitted cable current, which depends on cable voltage, ambient conditions, and cable arrangement. The user can perform cable ampacity calculation in accordance with:
           To estimate cable current rating, first double-click to open the properties window. Switch to “Details” tab and select “Cable” checkbox. When a cable type is chosen push button “Configure”  to open “Cable Ampacity” window.
           In this window specific data describing cable installation conditions should be defined. Choose one of the listed installation method types then push “Apply” to calculate cable ampacity rating and “Ok” to validate calculations for chosen cable. Cable ampacity will be taken into account during calculations like load flows. In case current exceeds ampacity rating, notification will be provided on the one-line network diagram and in the summary table (current inscription will to red).
           Note: Currently, cable ampacity ratings are only calculated for cables of 0.4kV to 36kV.
Note: You can filter out unwanted cables by pressing right mouse button on the table headers (Manufacturer, Type, Voltage level, Conductor material, Insulation type) and deselecting unsuitable parameters or searching for a cable by its parameter name.