EA-PSM Electric
User manual

10.1. Adding a "Protection unit" to elements

           To add a “Protection unit” double click on the system element to which protection need to be added. The table shown in ( Figure 9.1 ) will pop out and “in” and/or “out” can be selected. Breaker can be also added by selecting a protection device from the elements panel ( Figure 2.1 ) and pressing on the desired element in the scheme. Transformer with added protection can be seen in ( Figure 9.2 ).
           Specific types of the “Protection units” can be chosen from the elements panel (3 in Figure 2.1 ) and connected to any system element.
           Note: If the user needs to copy the protector of the breaker, it is possible simply click on the breaker you want to copy and drag it over to another breaker.